Partners in Progress

COVID-19 Resource Page

Our chambers of commerce have partnered to provide the Washington County business community with access to business assistance, economic development and other resources to support our local companies during the COVID-19 emergency. To identify a resource chamber in your area of the county, select the municipality where your business is located and refer to the designated chamber contact below. Before contacting a representative of one of the four chambers, please review the resources available on the COVID-19 resource page. We will continue to update this page as more information becomes available.

Chamber Contacts

Will Thomeier
Washington County Chamber of Commerce
(724) 225-3010
AJ Williams
Greater Canonsburg Chamber of Commerce
(724) 745-1812
Brian Schill
Peters Township Chamber of Commerce
(724) 941-6345
Leanna Spada
Mon Valley Regional Chamber of Commerce
(724) 483-3507